Thistle Dew Nutrition

Ramblings from a "Simpler" and perpertual student of natural health, with a strong focus on how to eat well to prevent chronic diseases.

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Location: Saugatuck, Michigan, United States


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Success of Sweets

Kellogg’s is being sued for advertising “junk food” to children, specifically to children under 8 years old. Senator Tom Harkin has also warned the advertising sector about this, accusing them of much responsibility for the obesity dilemma in the US. He is threatening to push through legislation to that effect. (Although visions of Hell and snowballs come to mind for actually getting it passed).

· According to University of Illinois researchers, nutrient-poor high-sugar products dominate advertising aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 11, with 78% of the food advertisements going to these types of foods.

I think this has been the case ever since there has been advertising on TV! And these people sound surprised?

But again, do we blame the Ad Agencies for our obesity? How about the food companies who make highly processed non nutritive foods for pennies and sell them for dollars. Are they to blame? Or McDonalds? Please!

We, as Americans, are stupid about nutrition. We don’t teach it in school, although we used to. It was a 1 hour class in 6th grade. We spent more time on sex Ed. Our parents got the same education, as did our grandparents. How can we blame ourselves?

If we want to get healthy there is nothing left to do but buckle down and teach ourselves. That’s not easy, and it’s very overwhelming when you are offered the hundreds of volumes available at Barnes and Noble or on the subject.

So what do you do? Save yourself lots of time a even some money by hiring a nutritional professional. Someone who has already read all of the best books on the subject, so you don’t have to, and can honestly/actually help you to change you life.


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